Sunday, July 27, 2008

Arrivadaci Mumbai

As my visa comes along the moment of deparure from my home dawns as fast as the speed of sound.I do intend to write a whole thing on my blog titled as the wonder years cos these years have been the wonder years and now Ill be starting an independent life like an adult a term that people dont associate with me.I still feel disgusted when people like my ex girlfriend and her current lover felt that I was immature.What college was boring,cant a poor guy have fun??Look at the stupid boring class,a'least I spiced it up.
But anyways theres a whole list of things that I have to do before I go and they are all important things.The first has to be a message to that bitch,but Im considering it and right now I dont feel like it but Ill take a poll to be sure!!lol
But seriously I have to tell this girl sorry for some nonsense that Id uttered when i was a tad younger.Poor gal felt really bad that day,I didnt know she was just behind me.She has never spoken to me sicne and all this time I didnt know it was because of that incident.
I have to meet neha and tell her that I was sorry for being a jerk back then,I have really bettered since my ugly school days.
I have to tell someone that I loved her and still do and will always will.
Umm I still haved to get drunk with my friends cos that is not going to happen now with them for a long time.
I have to tell a few people that they were really selfish and used me and I like a libran bore the brunt beacuse were nice people.
I have to give Winkie 'a thousand splendid suns' so that she does not follow the likes of amanda when she grows up from a girl.
I have to thank everyone I know for being an integral part of my journey.Everone I met and I remember from those days at shivaji park where I learnt to walk to the present the day where Im going to fly.
And thank my city Bombay-Mumbai.I was born in Bombay brought up in Mumbai.My home forever


Anonymous said...

Aue MERE KO kyaa milega
AB saalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

kanika said...

What the hell!! You better come back from UK or else i will hunt you down and bring you back in ain't gonna meet me,huh?

Ajay Menon said...

i am going to meet come befor the 27th ok..

Anonymous said...

Hey Aj i dunno u man but it seems tht u and kanika r real good pals u shld meet her mannnnnnnnnn