Thursday, January 13, 2011

Taking you to heaven

2011 has descended upon us and its dawned in record time. I feel I've jumped from 2009 to 2011.

Yet,2010 has been a good year with significant events and a lot more activity on my blog.

This one is inspired and dedicated to a family member, or more specifically a family whose pain and agony cannot be put into words. Yet I have tried to my best, but words are may be not enough to experience parting from a loved one with so much tragedy. The flood gates threatened to open every time I thought and inked a sentence.

The room is filled up with lights yet there is darkness, people close yet distant, the air becomes heavy to breathe,
Acceptance is my fate, as I look at your beautiful face turning pale, your hair still prim and neat.

I wait for you smile, but there isn't any, that mischievous grin you carried when you've got yourself in trouble,
Yet you were playfully naive and innocent, to this heinous world around us, we lived in our little happiness bubble.

Do you remember the first time you won the prize for the best singer at a school competition? You ran faster than the wind to show us your trophy?
And there set in your insatiable desire and hunger to be the best and collect more accolades and make music more than just your hobby.

Being a protective brother, being your life support to your little sister, she grew up over your shadow of certainty and tranquil,the elder brother she began to adore;
And she tries to replicate your love as she raises her children today, her eyes moist as memories of her childhood spent with you washes ashore.

I still remember when you first learn to ride your bicycle without support, and how soon did the time come when your zipping on your motorbike,
And how you ran without inhibition; jumping into the lake, the shattering of the windows after your ferocious strike.

 How your mother made you burn the midnight oil, she always did strive for your studies and you balanced it perfectly by remaining honest to studies and your passions,
The long nights we had when we used to practice our music together, singing away, dancing, playing games as a family without any distractions.

You became my friend, a father figure scolding me away when you got the job in the city and had to move away,
You were so generous with the little ones in the family, staying independently , I realized that you had grown into a mature adult, and yet today I stand in dismay.

These were the hands that first held you when you arrived in this world, the very hands that lifted you in the sky when you were curious about the stars,
These very hands that will lift you up for the last time, as you descend into the abode where rest the world's greatest czars.

Why did you leave us son? You only gave us happiness and in one stroke it all went away, leaving us with a wound that can never heal, why did God take you away from our little eden?
As I walk, lifting you, your memories gives me warmth, but it does not take away the bitterness that I am taking my eldest child, my own blood to heaven.


kanika said...

Aj, nicely done..Are you writing your dad's thoughts?

Ajay Menon said...

thanks these are purely my thoughts :)

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Ajay Menon said...

thank you anonymous!!!! i generally alternate between two genre's ie this one and the other one being nonsensical humour a la chandler bing as those characteristics run in me and I feel a need to ink stuff which makes me laugh

grazie per tutti!