Tuesday, July 29, 2008
RIP Heath Ledger

Monday, July 28, 2008
La storia continua campianato 08/09

the strory continues for my beloved AS Roma in the new season which promises to be the most competitive season in a long time.Milan,Inter,Fiorentina and of course Juventus have all strenghtened their squads with some fantastic addition as compared to our squad bolstered only by the arrivals of Riise and the back up defender Simone Loria.
We didnt need to invest in the transfer market but after the sale of Mancini I think its about time we get atleast two players to deepen the squad.Adrian Mutu was so close and it would have been so perfect!!I tried in FiFA08 the game and it combination of Totti-Mutu was remarkable.
Times running out and we need a left sided player and a striker.Although these days Im just nuts behind Mirko Vucinic!Fondly called by his critics as VuciBitch, he managed to silence them and score some screamers.
I know this season he's gonna get better and earn the title 'The Maradona of the Balkans'.
Hail Mirko!Forza Roma
the 08/09 season is going to be special as Ill be witnessing it from a distance of 45 mins by air,in London.
MCP The Misconception
The other day I was judged as a MCP wrongly by the fellow male passengers in the train.I was going to churchgate,from goregaon at around 4 30 pm when the train was almost empty and getting a seat was peanuts.At andheri 4 women boarded the general compartment,I cant imagine why because really there was no rush in the ladies too.So they are all in the late 30's early 40's,all of them are friends and they come and stand near the seats where me and tow guys are seated.This one guy melted,got up and gave up his seat.Looking at him this other guy too got up and they were expecting me to do the same.I didnt budge.Why?Cos thats not fair,when you have a full compartment for yourself please use the facility instead of harassing already seated people.These ladies chattered across,gabe me cold glares and got down at dadar.After Santacruz, the train was empty,they could have waited a while instead the guys who were seated and got up muttered something in disgust.Thats not fair,I give up my seat everytime when some one needs it.In Delhi I know those guys in offices dont even bother to move.
I have just one complaint to all the women,you have been given ample facilities by the govt. and love by the most co-operative Mumbaikars please dont cry over nothing.And especially this goes out to the biggest two sexists I know-Amanda and Reni.
Both of them lament about how useless guys are in front of me,its the same ghissa pitta tape.Guys sleep,they dont have feelings,girls rock blah blah but both these losers cant live without their boyfriends.Even in the Goa trip both of them were hung up,crying on the phone but when they returned it was all roses.What the fuck?If you dont wanna relationship then why are you in one?And then you complain about guys?Go the other way,dont think straight.
As for me being a MCP,take this example I want to be the manager of the Indian womens football team and Chak de and SRK copied my brain because Bend it like Beckham was my inspiration to become a football manager
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I Miss college
Now at Guildford Ill be competing with other management students,not that Im complaining but the world at Mithibai was something that has taught me.The last 5 years have been the best.It wasnt college it was life.
A new adventure awaits me at the University of Surrey,but those days at Mithibai,my dream college in Mumbai after the 10th were something special.Im crying now,I cant reminisce anymore or Ill breakdown
Arrivadaci Mumbai
But anyways theres a whole list of things that I have to do before I go and they are all important things.The first has to be a message to that bitch,but Im considering it and right now I dont feel like it but Ill take a poll to be sure!!lol
But seriously I have to tell this girl sorry for some nonsense that Id uttered when i was a tad younger.Poor gal felt really bad that day,I didnt know she was just behind me.She has never spoken to me sicne and all this time I didnt know it was because of that incident.
I have to meet neha and tell her that I was sorry for being a jerk back then,I have really bettered since my ugly school days.
I have to tell someone that I loved her and still do and will always will.
Umm I still haved to get drunk with my friends cos that is not going to happen now with them for a long time.
I have to tell a few people that they were really selfish and used me and I like a libran bore the brunt beacuse were nice people.
I have to give Winkie 'a thousand splendid suns' so that she does not follow the likes of amanda when she grows up from a girl.
I have to thank everyone I know for being an integral part of my journey.Everone I met and I remember from those days at shivaji park where I learnt to walk to the present the day where Im going to fly.
And thank my city Bombay-Mumbai.I was born in Bombay brought up in Mumbai.My home forever
Comin soon: Kaavish - Bachpan our music video
And the friendship that has been potrayed is based on jai-veeru,amar-prem from andaz apna apna,akash-sameer-sid etc and the scenes that have been shot will surely connect to everyone cos its simple and real.My director and editor unz would be on it right now at this weird time of the night,and the video shall be coming out soon ,on youtube as well as metacafe.
till then hold your breath or let it go but do watch the video
My weight gain programme
Irani is what Ive discovered lately and Ive fallen in love with its simplicity and deightful taste.The dishes are underpriced I feel.I mean a black forest pastry chilled with fresh cream for 20 bucks!!!Monginis is hit and man these parsi bakers compete with birdys or an international bakery outlet for that matter.20 bucks in todays world.Id gone with my best buds for a sunday morning drive and breakfast and our bill came to 309 rs! And we are hoggards man,the worlds finest.Dino moreas place sells an omlette for 150 bucks.The bread quality sucks,whilst the iranis insist on freshly baked dough.I felt i was in the ;1970s.The whole experience has made me feel that Im reborn,i was sent back to the time when life was much bettter in mumbai,less people,pollution etc.I was tears,also my friends and right now we've made town our home who cares if Ive put on like 7 kgs.
Why does todays generation insist on fast food joints like Mcdonalds or Pizza parlours??
But if you ever want to revisit the past of our city,you know the right person to call.
Man I sounded like a tour guide
Like Father Like daughter
So if you like this song,Dude think again pls.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
MP3 Part 2
Rock on!!

I really dont know why i wrote this.